Beyond Smart: Lawyering with Emotional Intelligence is now available as an eBook and at a significant discount from the paperback price. Take it along on the plane or vacation. For a discount, use Code RMUIR10.

Now that we’ve made it past Halloween with its tricks and treats, let’s turn to some everyday scariness. Nearly half of the respondents (45%  of 800) to the October monthly survey of the National Judicial College (NJC) alumni indicated they have suffered from secondary traumatic stress (STS), defined as “the emotional duress of hearing about

Muir’s article published this month in Law Practice Today, entitled “The Key to More Profitable Practices in the 21st Century,” reviews some of the important reasons that raising emotional intelligence can improve the productivity and profitability of our legal workplaces.

The Key to More Profitable Practices in the 21st Century

YourABA published a Q&A with author Ronda Muir today about her new book, Beyond Smart: Lawyering with Emotional Intelligence.  Check it out HERE.

I am pleased to announce that (along with the eclipse) Beyond Smart: Lawyering with Emotional Intelligence is available as of yesterday here on the ABA Shop website. For a discount, use Code RMUIR10 through December 31, 2017.

This is the first comprehensive guide to understanding, using and raising emotional intelligence in the unique context of

So we realize the depth and breadth of the competition that artificially intelligent technology can pose to our traditional legal practices. We are, after all, not able to access as many sources and certainly not as fast and perhaps not as sophisticated in our analysis logarithms as some machines are.

Then again, we have our

Sure, as we were saying, we lawyers could use some extra computing capacity, but isn’t there something unique about dispensing legal services that makes our positions secure from the onslaught of robots with artificial intelligence? For example, some aspects of providing legal advice involves less data crunching and more soft skills. Doesn’t that protect us

If you’ve been watching Mostly Human, the new CNN series on some of the extreme applications of technology, you may be smugly thinking that at least law is immune to such bizarre technological intrusions. But the surge of technological advances in artificial intelligence and the rising incidence of its applications in business is destined

From Law People Management to you and yours, we wish you peace, prosperity and good health during the holidays and throughout the New Year.

To that end, we are pleased to announce the publication by the American Bar Association of our book The Emotional Intelligence Edge for 21st Century Lawyers currently scheduled for summer of

The Center for Creative Leadership’s 2013 White Paper on “The Surprising Truth about What Drives Stress and How Leaders Build Resilience” lists stress and burnout as the top two issues leaders worldwide wrestle with. “Burnout” is a syndrome caused by excessive stress which can produce physical, emotional and mental exhaustion.  Burnout is the end game