The Second Edition of Beyond Smart: Lawyering with Emotional Intelligence
Law People Management, LLC, announces the publication of the second edition of Beyond Smart: Lawyering with Emotional Intelligence.

Published in 2025, Ronda Muir’s second edition of her user-friendly best-selling Beyond Smart: Lawyering with Emotional Intelligence, available in paperback or e-book, updates the research that shows how lawyers in all walks of the profession can use the burgeoning science of emotional intelligence (EI) to address the pressing issues individual lawyers and practices are currently being confronted with, including how to:
- Become smarter, better practitioners – as negotiators, civil and criminal litigators, and judges;
- Be personally more productive and profitable;
- Become physically and mentally healthier in an era of high post-Covid stress;
- Be more effective leaders in an increasingly challenging profession;
- Develop practices that can thrive in a competitive and technologically complex marketplace, so as to be able to outperform even the rise of artificial intelligence;
- Build practices that profit from higher emotional intelligence through increased performance, enhanced teamwork, and greater client satisfaction, as well as lower attrition, healthcare, and professional liability costs;
- Address the workplace issues arising from remote work, high-stress and disengagement that are bedeviling legal practices; and
- Take the steps available to individuals, law schools, and workplaces to raise personal and profession-wide emotional intelligence.
For legal professionals wanting to improve their productivity, communication, client service and leadership skills and create a high performance, high functioning and more profitable workplace in the 21st century, there is no better guide than the second edition of Beyond Smart: Lawyering with Emotional Intelligence.
To order your copy of the second edition, click on this link: BEYOND SMART: LAWYERING WITH EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE
First Edition Beyond Smart: Lawyering with Emotional Intelligence
Ronda Muir’s BEYOND SMART: LAWYERING WITH EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, published by the ABA in the fall of 2017, is the first comprehensive guide to understanding, using and raising emotional intelligence in the unique context of law practice.
Everyone is familiar with “IQ”—intelligence quotient. Most lawyers put their IQ scores up there with their SAT and LSAT scores as generally acknowledged evidence of their competence. But what is your emotional intelligence quotient? And why should you care?
“Emotional intelligence” (EI) is the ability to recognize, understand, and regulate our own and others’ emotions. Industries worldwide have incorporated EI into their education, hiring, training, and management programs to maximize performance.
Beyond Smart explains the origins of EI, a lawyer’s historic role in developing the concept, how lawyers compare in EI to other professionals and how to determine your level of EI. Beyond Smart also outlines:
- Why emotionally intelligent lawyers are smarter, better practitioners (negotiators, litigators and judges), make more money, and are physically and mentally healthier
- How emotionally intelligent workplaces profit from more effective leadership, greater performance, enhanced teamwork, and increased client satisfaction, as well as lower attrition, healthcare and professional liability costs
- Why emotionally intelligent practices can thrive in an increasingly competitive and technologically complex marketplace, even outperforming artificial intelligence
- The steps individuals, workplaces and law schools can take to raise emotional intelligence
This user-friendly, practical resource is designed for today’s legal professional who desires to improve their communication, client service and leadership skills and create a high performance, high functioning workplace.
- “Why Litigators Should Care About Emotional Intelligence,” International Bar Association Litigation Committee Newsletter, September 2019
- “Why Criminal Defense Lawyers Should Care About Emotional Intelligence,” the PACDL’s For The Defense February 2019
- “What Good Is Emotional Intelligence in Law Management?” ABA Business Law Today October 22, 2018
- “The Emotionally Intelligent Path To Well-Being,” ABA’s The Well-Being Kit for Lawyers August 2018
- “Emotional Data in the Practice of Law,” ARK’s Business Intelligence and Analytics for Law Firms August 2018
- “Using Emotional Intelligence to Meet Lower Demand in the 21st Century,” Modern Legal Practice April 2018
- “How Emotional Intelligence Makes you a Better Lawyer,” Your ABA October 2017
- “The Key to More Profitable Practices in the 21st Century,” ABA’s Law Practice Today October 2017
- “That Old Crying Feeling,” Organization of Legal Professionals’ OLP UPDATE and FREELANCER; named BlawgWorld Pick of the Week Fall 2011
- “What the New Law Firm Looks Like: the Reinvention of a Reluctant Industry,” October 2009; republished frequently, including on the cover of IOMA Compensation & Benefits for Law Offices December 2009, Partner’s Report December 2009 and Larry Bodine’s
- “Emotional Intelligence for Lawyers,” 2008; republished in the online newsletter of The Saint Petersburg International Legal Forum May 2014
- “The Depression Demon Coming Out of the Legal Closet,” republished in Virginia’s Lawyers Helping Lawyers Newsletter Spring 2009
- “Women and Happiness” December 2007
- “The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Law Firm Partners,” ABA’s Law Practice Magazine July/August 2007
- “”The Looming Associate Crisis,” ALM Law Firm Partnership & Benefits Report July 2007
- “What Makes Lawyers Tick—and How to Engage Them,” The IRE Journal May/June 2007
- “Handling Conflict and Dissent in Law Practice (and Life),” February 2007
- “Promoting an Effective Board or Management Group,” 2007
- “What Juniors Need to Know about Your Firm’s Bottom Line,” IOMA Compensation & Benefits for Law Offices August 2006
- “The Unique Psychological World of Lawyers,” March 2006
- “Decision-Making by Committee: Perceptions and Misperceptions,” November 2005
- “Beyond Pro Bono: the Case for Corporate Citizenship,” September 2005
- “The Case for Assessment: Using Discrimination for Better Hiring,” November 2004
- “Lawyers, Leadership and Feedback,” July 2004
- Keynote Speaker “Advancing Your Career with Emotional Intelligence” Young Lawyers Division Spring Conference and related Facebook Live event Louisville, KY May 2018
- Webinar “Advancing Your Career with Emotional Intelligence” Young Lawyers Division May 2018
- Speaker “Beyond Smart: Lawyering with Emotional Intelligence–A Critical Edge in Challenging Times” Dispute Resolution Section Spring Meeting Washington D.C. April 2018
- Speaker “Using Emotional Intelligence for Successful and Satisfying Legal Careers” NYU Law School NY, NY February 2018
- CLE Webinar “The Ethical Advantages of Emotional Intelligence” December 2017
- Webinar “EQ: What It Is and Why It Matters” February 2015
ALAS (Attorneys’ Liability Assurance Society)
- Panelist on lawyer personality, firm culture and other aspects that impact risk at annual General Meeting of over 300 managing and risk management partners Quebec City, Canada June 2009
- Webinar “Think Like a Lateral—How to Hire and Retain Quality Lawyers” March 2010
ALM (formerly American Lawyer Media)
- Speaker “Communicating Unpopular Points of View in a Motivating Manner” Legalweek’s LegalWomen Focus NY, NY February 2017
APLF (Association of Patent Law Firms)
- Webinar “How Progressively Managed and Adaptive IP Firms Can Gain an Advantage in a Down Economy” March 2009
- Roundtable Leader “Law Practice Management for Current and Prospective Law Firm Leaders” 12th Annual Meeting Washington D.C. September 2009
ARK Group
- Panelist on “From Codes to Predictive Legal Economics” 7th Annual Business Intelligence and Analytics in the Legal Profession NY, NY April 2018
- Speaker “Risk Management for Managing Partners” Chicago, Illinois April 2007
- Speaker “Developing a Risk Conscious Culture in Your Firm” June 2007
CCM (Center for Competitive Management) Audio Conference Speaker
- “Emotional Intelligence and Lawyering” June 2012
- “How General Counsel Evaluate and Hire Law Firms” June 2011
- “Partner Compensation: Defining the New Normal” January 2011
- “Origination and Partner Compensation for the New Legal Landscape” October 2010
- “Successfully Hiring and Integrating Lateral Partners“ April 2010
- “Compensation for Client Development: Tracking, Measuring and Rewarding New Business Origination” February 2010
- “Retooling Associate Pay: Key Strategies to Adapt to the New Economy” June 2009
- “Turning Lawyers Into Leaders: How to Survive the Economic Slide” March 2009
- “Revenue Per Lawyer: Increase Profitability not Billable Hours” October 2008
- “Associate Compensation: Weighing Current Market Trends & Alternatives” Sept 2008
- “Associate Compensation: Remain Competitive without Breaking the Bank” March 2008
College of Law Practice Management
- Presentation Upon Induction as a Fellow of COLPM Fall 2019
Florida Bar Association
- Podcast “Elevating Happiness and Increasing Success with Emotional Intelligence,” September 2020
Gen Why Lawyer
- Podcast “The Female Lawyer Exodus” November 2016
Hofstra Law School
- Keynote Speaker “Emotional Intelligence—Your Secret Weapon for a Successful Law Practice” NY, NY January 2011
HudsonMann Compliance Conference
- Speaker “Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace” October 19, 2020
IBA (International Bar Association)
- Panelist on “Emotional Intelligence and the Law” Annual Conference, Rome, Italy October 2018
- Panelist on “Winning and Retaining Clients through Cross-Cultural Understanding” Annual Conference, Rome, Italy October 2018
- Panelist on “Re-Inventing Yourself: Recognising Decision Points in Your Career” Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia October 2017
INTA (International Association of Trademark Attorneys)
- Speaker “Lawyer Personalities” Women’s Power Breakfast 129th Annual Meeting Chicago, Illinois May 2007
IOMA (The Institute of Management and Administration) Audio Conference Speaker
- “Associate Compensation: New Alternatives for a Difficult Economy” July 2008
- “Associate Compensation: Where Do We Go From Here?” Sept 2007
Kraft Heinz Company Legal Department
- Speaker on Emotional Intelligence in the Legal Workplace May 2022
Legal Inclusiveness and Diversity Summit, Center for
- Speaker “Achieving the Advantages of Diversity in Personal Style” 8th Annual Summit Denver, Colorado May 2014
LegalWomen Focus at Legalweek
- Panelist on “Communicating Unpopular Points of View in a Motivating Manner” NY, NY February 2017
Northwestern University Business Institutions Program
- Speaker “Promoting an Effective Board or Management Group,” annually 2007-2010
New York City Bar Association
- Webinar on “Using EQ as a Tool to Improve Lawyers’ Well-Being and Performance” July 2020
New York Law School ADR Class
- “Emotional Intelligence for Lawyers” October 2020
OLP (Organization of Legal Professionals)
- Webinar “Crying Happens: Managing Emotions in the Office” September 2013
Swarthmore College’s Lax Conference on Entrepreneurship
- Speaker “Teambuilding” 10th Annual Anniversary Conference Swarthmore, PA March 2009
Toronto Bar Association
- Speaker “Building Superior Communication Skills” Toronto, Canada March 2016
UNICEF Three-Day Leadership and Team-building Retreats
- Macedonia National Office May 2009
- Armenia National Office May 2007
WLA (Women Lawyers Alliance)
- Speaker “Law Practice in the 21st Century: What It Means For You” Annual Conference May 2011
- Panelist “Does Gender Affect Business Development and Leadership?” Annual Conference May 2010
Women Leaders in Life Sciences Law
- Panel Moderator “Combating Gender Stereotypes in the Life Sciences Legal Community: Overcoming Implicit Bias” at inaugural conference Washington D.C. July 2014
Yale Law School (Yale Law School has been acknowledged by the Carnegie Foundation as one of only three law schools offering a balanced curriculum)
- Speaker “The Unique Psychological World of Lawyers: Strategies for Career Success and Satisfaction” New Haven, CT March 2013
- Speaker “Law Economics 101: How to Be a Valuable Associate” New Haven, CT April 2007
Author and publisher of since 2006