June 2010

According to a recent article in the ABA Journal, "Law schools need to do more than teach the legal basics–they also have a moral obligation to produce healthy and satisfied lawyers."  Specifically, Michael Serota, a recent law grad, suggests in his opinion column in the New York Law Journal that law schools "help students identify their

In a recent interview about her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Dr. Carol Dweck, the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, explained how a person’s mindset can account for success. 

She identifies two major mindsets–fixed and growth.  In a fixed mindset, we think we know our strengths and weaknesses, believe that

In addition to the factors we pointed out as relevant in evaluating the Sotomayor Supreme Court nomination, recent studies provide some additional insight into the impact of minority judges just in time for consideration of Kagan’s SCOTUS nomination.

The ABA Judicial Division reported this spring on two studies conducted by the University of Pittsburgh