The Value Advisory issued a press release today announcing the formation of a veteran group of advisors to provide law firms with strategies and resources that align firm offerings and operations with their clients’ objectives. At a time of increasing client demands for value at a reduced cost, The Value Advisory works with firms to assess their clients’
The Unique Psychological World of Lawyers
Muir’s “The Unique Psychological World of Lawyers” explores the ways in which the personal style of lawyers differs from that of the majority of Americans and how it effects both what lawyers perceive and how they are perceived.
Emotional Intelligence for Lawyers
Muir’s “Emotional Intelligence for Lawyers” reviews the history of the development of emotional intelligence and how it applies to lawyers.
Muir’s “The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Making Partners” was awarded the Edge International Law Practice Magazine Award for excellence in writing.
The Lateral Lottery
Back when we were all focused on raising our retention rate of associates, I also waved the flag about the poor retention rate we have with the lateral partners we hire–a musical chair game that has been in full swing for a number of years and seems to have survived or at least is being revived after…
“Mindset: The New Psychology of Success”
In a recent interview about her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Dr. Carol Dweck, the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, explained how a person’s mindset can account for success.
She identifies two major mindsets–fixed and growth. In a fixed mindset, we think we know our strengths and weaknesses, believe that…
Muir Leads Associate Seminar on Business of Law
Muir recently led an Introduction to the Business of Law seminar for junior associates at an AmLaw 100 firm. The presentation is customized to the firm and is gauged to bolster associates’ engagement and loyalty and to improve their productivity.
Topics include a definition of terms, such as utilization, realization and cash management, and a discussion of what…
Are Your Superstars Spoiling the Apple Cart?
Should we be identifying and spotlighting our superstar associates? Recent research may be pointing to an unexpected answer.
Economic tournament theory addresses competitive situations where success is based on relative rather than absolute performance (think sports games vs. standardized test results). While competitive situations can often lead to motivated employees who work hard for top spots, recent research…
Georgetown Law School Center for the Study of the Legal Profession’s Conference — “Law Firm Evolution: Brave New World or Business as Usual?”
It was my great pleasure–something I don’t often say about a conference– to attend this invitation-only gathering last week, March 21-23, of both august and up-and-coming law industry professionals as they prognosticated the future of our practice and what that might in fact look like up close for a broad array of providers and clients.
While I will digest and relay over the…
Can Introverts Lead?
Firms are placing their futures at risk if they cannot identify, develop and empower the next generation of leaders. So it is no surprise that more law firms are investing in leadership development. For example, according to PaLAW 2009’s 14th annual Managing Partners Survey, cited in the November 23, 2009 issue of The Legal Intelligencer, the number…
LSATs and Premier Law Schools as Recruiting Guides?
Here’s some more data that puts into question our reliance on high scores and law school credentials in determining which lawyers we want to populate our firms with.
LSAT Scores
According to a chart prepared by the Tax Prof Blog, math or physics majors are likely to score the highest on their LSATs, theoretically making them…