According to the statistics, lawyers exhibit more signs of stress and distress–expressed in depression, suicide, substance abuse, divorce, etc.– than any other profession. Lawyer leaders may be even more stressed. The Center for Creative Leadership’s 2013 White Paper on “The Surprising Truth about What Drives Stress and How Leaders Build Resilience” names stress and burnout
White Papers
Lawyer Personalities at Above the Law
Above the Law columnist Susan Moon, an in-house lawyer at Wyndham Worldwide, gave our The Unique Psychological World of Lawyers a nice plug last week, just hours after much of the data in it was discussed at a presentation at Yale Law School. An older article (since updated) and a “bit on the…
Dewey & LeBoeuf: Probing the Wreckage and the Reasons
As another pundit among many slowing down to rubber neck the wreckage strewn from the Dewey & LeBoeuf crash, it’s hard to know where to start. The question that hovered on everyone’s minds since earlier in the year, as the media dissected every move there, was whether we were watching the disintegration, again, of a…
The Unique Psychological World of Lawyers
Muir’s “The Unique Psychological World of Lawyers” explores the ways in which the personal style of lawyers differs from that of the majority of Americans and how it effects both what lawyers perceive and how they are perceived.
Emotional Intelligence for Lawyers
Muir’s “Emotional Intelligence for Lawyers” reviews the history of the development of emotional intelligence and how it applies to lawyers.
Muir’s “The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Making Partners” was awarded the Edge International Law Practice Magazine Award for excellence in writing.
What the New Law Firm Looks Like: The Necessary Reinvention of a Reluctant Industry
What the New Law Firm Looks Like: The Necessary Reinvention of a Reluctant Industry
“I’m using [Muir’s] piece on ‘What the New Law Firm Looks Like’ for the Law Firms course that I will be teaching at Harvard Law School this spring. It does the best job I’ve seen of succinctly describing in one …